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Great Crested Newts

If you are interested in creating ponds on your land, and are within key strategic areas of Suffolk. As part of Natural England's District Level Licensing, up to 100% funding is available for the restoration of ponds suited for this key species.

Farm reservoir

Suffolk's Great Crested Newt Project

Crested newts favour medium to large (typically 50-300m2) ponds which support aquatic vegetation for egg laying. Groups of ponds provide better population opportunities than single water bodies. Emergent and floating vegetation should ideally not exceed about 60% of the surface area.


Pond creation is being conducted under District Level Licencing, using money from development pond destruction offset to fund the creation of new ponds. Suffolk FWAG connects farm to this funding, as well as advise and help design the ponds.


Please be aware that there is limited funding each year, and only places within the wider strategy are eligible for support. Fortunately, there is a lot of potential sites across the county, so please enquire as to if you are able to access this support.


Want to get involved?

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